All life is just a progression toward and then a recession from, one phrase: “I Love You.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Space for Relational Insights, Action, and Intimacy to Thrive

  • Identify your current patterns to make conscious, sustainable changes. You’ll understand the science of attachment and the art of creating deeper connections.

  • Explore the depths of understanding in your relationship, uncovering the nuances of your bond together.

  • Delve into the passionate realms of togetherness, nurturing a closeness that transcends all barriers.

  • Transform the way you interact, fostering dialogue that enriches every aspect of your partnership.

  • Connected Couples is an online course that guides couples into deep work for lasting changes in emotional intimacy. Coming Soon!

Connecting Couples

Modern Relationships

Modern romance shifted relationship paradigms… in all the best ways.
Modern romance requires intimacy, vulnerability, and fulfillment for a relationship. We seek more from our relationships, in part because we demand more from ourselves.

These demands can leave us wondering:
How do we straddle our daily lives with fulfilling desires in our relationships?
How do we prioritize friendships and our relationship with work demands and hobbies?
What does quality time look like that doesn’t involve a screen?
We’re drawn to each other for chemistry, ambition, and drive, but how do we meet each other’s needs?

Your path to emotional intimacy begins here. Relate Media gives you the resources to make your relationships thrive.

The number one reason why modern relationships end:
Lack of emotional intimacy

Enhance intimacy through intentional connection

Discover the strategies to fostering deeper connections with your partner. Dive into the Connected Couples online course and transform your relationship today. You're one step away from a more fulfilling connection.

Intimacy Workbook